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Mail Order Hours: Monday-Thursday 10:00am - 7pm Est
Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Est. / Saturday & Sunday: Closed
NYC Retail Store Location: 15 West 36th Street Bet 5th & 6th ave.
Retail Hours: Mon- Thur 10am - 7pm / Friday 10-5pm / Sunday 10- 5pm / Saturday: Closed. 1-212-594-6565

Government, Education & Corporate

We welcome purchase orders from government, educational, public and private institutions. We are able to complete a vendor application within 24 hours of your request. We are also able to fulfill very large quantities with advance purchase and will honor all purchase order price commitments and delivery requirements. We are fully licensed, registered and insured. We will work with all levels of your institution including the accounting and purchasing departments as well as the actual individuals who are making the purchase. We are here to help make your purchase as easy and as fast as possible.